Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

contoh text recount.......

My Sour Memory
            I had a terrible day. After my mobhile phone was broke in my birthday yesterday. Today I had many bad scores in the finally test in this week.
            I thought after finally test, I could break and refreshing because I was bouring and so tired. But in fact, when I arrived in the school, I met my classmates. She said that after the second finally test Miss Ina would held rehersal test for our class. I was so surprised to hear that. I hadn't studied last night.
            After the second finally test, Miss Ina came to my class. She gave us information about our english scoures. She called us to in front of class one by one. Before in my turn I felt bad. When arrived to my turn. Miss Ina said that I would rehersal test for daily test one, mid-term test and finally test. For daily test one and mid-term test, I would get a task. For finally test after this consisted get an english rehersal test.
            I had an english rehersal test. I hadn't studied last night. I was confused and didn't finished it. But I said that of course I can, of course and of course. I work it carefully, so really basic with my knowledge and so maximal. But unfortunately after rehersal test and corrected I had score didn't reach KKM again. I felt so shy to all my friend because only my score which one didn't reach. It maked me remember about degradation again.
            Miss Ina got me a task to reached KKM. Finally, with not fine and so shy I went home. I appointment that I must study hard again. Of course, I can. Why not?.

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